Makasutu cultural forest tour


Makasutu tour – half day

A half-day excursion to Makasutu cultural forest, one of Africa’s international award-winning ecotourism centres is far-reaching.  It looks at the conservation of protected areas, cultural heritage management and community involvement.

It provides serviced accommodation and other interesting excursion packages such as community tours, ecotourism and site visits.

The tour starts at about 9:00 o’clock from your hotel and it takes approximately 45 mins drive to reach our destination of the well-kept Makasutu cultural forest.

On arrival, complimentary coffee or tea will be served after which we will embark on a 45mins canoe ride along the Mandina bolong.

At the end of the canoe ride, you will be given some time to rest before we will start the forest walk to see the baboons. There is also the possibility to visit Gambia Horse & Donkey trust & see the fantastic work they do with animals.

Also, we will meet a traditional fortune teller and finally see both the demonstration of palm wine tapping and a free testing of the product itself. You will be given time to look at the handy craft centre before heading back to your various hotels.

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